Quick overview

3 days
 £1350 plus VAT
Remote attendance
Class size: 12
Exam included in price

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BCS Foundation Certificate in Architecture Concepts and Domains


This 3 day accredited course expands your knowledge and skills by exploring architecture concepts, processes and techniques – independently of any specific framework.

Who is it for?

Anyone who is involved in any aspect of enterprise and solution architecture, including those who are new-to-role.


No experience of IS / IT or architecture work is required.


Some pre-reading may be advised before the course.

What will you learn?

Holders of the BCS Foundation Certificate will have demonstrated their knowledge and understanding of:

  • The meaning of ‘architecture’ and the different levels within it;
  • Different kinds of architecture and the roles architects play in the IT / IS industry;
  • The business context, and the importance of business-IT alignment;
  • Architecture precursors: goals, directives and constraints;
  • Architecture development process and description frameworks;
  • The various subdomains of enterprise and solutions architecture and their purpose;
  • The key activities undertaken in each subdomain and the related artefacts.

The syllabus includes training objectives, details of modules and learning hours, plus a recommended reading list.

Got more questions?

click to read FAQ

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  • Choose a BA certification to close your BA skills gap
  • Find out your current skills level and where you need to focus your development
  • Get all our business analyst courses in one document to review them with your manager
  • Get access to the business case we created to help you get funding for your training from your employer
  • Discover another efficient way to train using the levy and saving money on training
  • Bonus: receive a list of free recorded lunch & learn sessions to develop your business analyst skills and get to know our trainers

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Corporate bookings

Align your team members with a common process and upskill your staff with in house training.

Choose from an already existing public course or design your own bespoke course for your specific goals and needs and change the way that your staff work, not only increasing their theoretical knowledge but their practical skill set too.

Using examples from your recent projects, your team members can find out how to make potential improvements within business analysis and agile project management with our blend of training and consultancy from industry experts.

When you nurture your internal talent, you foster an environment of trust and a belief in your team’s abilities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your employers can:

  1. Book a course on our website -  your employer needs to go to https://metadatatraining.co.uk, book the course and and at the checkout section add the candidate details (full name, email address and contact number) under ‘Additional Information’ and we will confirm the booking with both parties.
  2. Email us at info@metadatatraining.co.uk with the course they want to book for you and we will send them a booking form by email.

We can provide you with an invoice to forward to your employer. Email as at info@metadatatraining.co.uk to request an invoice for your course.

Email as at info@metadatatraining.co.uk with the supplier form and one of our colleagues will fill it up and send it back to you. We can also provide you with a headed letter with all our company details.

Yes, we offer corporate discounts. Email as at info@metadatatraining.co.uk with your training requirements and we can provide a corporate discount for you. 

Yes, we can deliver all our courses in-house. We can also adapt this to your team needs. To request a quote or discuss your training requirements please email us at info@metadatatraining.co.uk or call us on 020 7272 3726.

Yes, after passing an exam you will receive an industry-recognised certification issued directly by the British Computer Society, the accreditation body.

Yes, this course is accredited by BCS, The British Computer Society. Metadata Training is an accredited BCS partner and you can trust that the qualification you receive is recognised in the industry by employers. 

Yes, you can cancel a course but in order to do so without penalty, we require 10 working days notice. For more information on our cancellation policy, see our terms and conditions.

The exams are taken online, a member of the Metadata team will invigilate, and we will provide the exam slots (weekdays, during office hours) to choose from on the last day of the course. Candidates have up to 6-months to take their exam after attending the training, and after this period, the exam fee will apply. 

An extra time of 15mins is given if English is not your first language or with reasonable adjustments. Please inform us upon making a booking.

The exam is closed-book with 40 multiple-choice questions, and a duration of 60-mins.

You can pay via our website with a card or bank transfer by selecting ‘Pay By Bank Transfer’ at the checkout. We accept Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro.

Payment by cheque, credit card, debit card or bank transfer is required no later than 10 Working Days before the course start date. Special arrangements may be separately agreed in the case of late bookings. Please refer to our terms and conditions.

You can download the business case and course syllabus for every course in the ‘course overview’ section at the top of the page - click here You can also read our blog post here

Many delegates report increased confidence in their skills after the training. We believe the importance of confidence is often underrated in organisations. The truth is to progress your career in the right direction you need confidence. It is no surprise many of our learners report an increase in confidence and job satisfaction.  Moreover, the certification gives you recognition and if you are already working as an IT professional it will formalise your knowledge. As a result your employers, stakeholders or clients will trust you that you can deliver quality work in an efficient way. 

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