Home: Funding


How To Ask Your Employer To Fund Your Training

Asking your employer to fund your training may seem daunting, but you have less to worry about than you think. Apart from in rare cases, most employers will be thrilled to hear that you want to broaden your knowledge base and skills of the job that they’re paying you to do, ultimately helping them to […]

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How to Get Free Business Analysis Training

Business analysis training can be expensive, especially if you are self-funding. The pressure of the expenses can often shy you away from pursuing the professional training that you want and need to push your career in the right direction.  There are a few ways that you can get trained without having to dig into your […]

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What is the apprenticeship levy? Find out if you qualify

What is the apprenticeship levy? The Apprenticeship Levy is a levy on UK employers to fund apprenticeships and help their staff upskill. The new apprenticeship standard was introduced in April 2017 and the aim is to address the skill gaps and the low productivity in the UK. Many businesses have not used the levy and […]

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