8 reasons why you should choose Metadata Training to upskill your team

Posted on December 13, 2022

As an employer, you want ‘best of breed’ training providers to meet your skills gaps. Metadata Training understands how to help you get the most value from your levy funding while minimizing the impact on your precious staff time.

We asked some of our customers why they chose us compared to other providers. Below are Eight key features that make Metadata Training’s Business Analyst Apprenticeship programme stand apart.

1. Developed by experts in the industry

Our curriculum has been developed by experts in the industry who’ve taught, worked and trained in business analysis for 20+ years. It has been developed out of our passion for business analysis and is not just another trendy programme in our portfolio as it is for many other apprenticeship providers.

We are a specialist provider and our customers appreciate this. Our programme covers everything in the apprenticeship standard and beyond (we include agile and user experience courses). We push our learners to not only pass but get a distinction (some providers don’t cover the whole standards leaving your learners with skills gaps).

2. The quality of our trainers and mentors

The learner gets access to 15+ expert BA mentors and trainers. Our teaching staff have the knowledge and commercial experience that goes way beyond syllabi and can advise on their application to organisations’ environment (some providers only offer access to 1 expert and that is on an ad-hoc basis).

Our learners also meet 1-2-1 monthly with their allocated expert BA mentor to learn how to apply theory in practice & build their portfolio of work. Some providers offer on-demand access to a mentor and the responsibility is left with the learner to schedule, which can affect learner engagement and completion of the programme. We ensure learners receive the right quality of training and support!

3. Paid exam fees included in the levy

We offer extras in our apprenticeship programme – that other providers don’t offer. We offer 6 accredited qualifications (5 business analysis and 1 agile qualification) and all the exam fees are included. Other providers offer no certification or perhaps one or two.

Including these exams, fees save the employer approx. £1400+VAT per learner.

4. Our delivery is unique

Our courses are delivered virtually on zoom and are facilitated by our expert trainers. Which means they are engaging and interactive. Our learners don’t have to struggle with long hours of self-learning and watching online videos without any real-time guidance and support.

Our courses are run with apprentices and non-apprentices with a mix of backgrounds and levels of experience. The conversation and sharing of experience facilitated by our training are some of the best learning experiences our learners tell us in their feedback. Drawing from real life experience of trainers and other experienced delegates is what makes the learning interesting and insightful!

5. Learn in smaller groups

Some providers run courses with a size of 40+ learners which can make it hard for learners to get personal and individual attention from the trainer. That’s why we choose to deliver training in small group sizes (max 12) which allows learners to ask questions, clarify concepts and receive the focused support that they need to excel.

6. Flexibility

Benefit from a flexible programme – we make it easy for the learner to fit the training into their life. We run 2 courses a month which are delivered in 3 day blocks or 1-day workshops so apprentices can arrange and change their course dates to fit around their work commitments so they don’t miss important training.

We are flexible with our eligibility criteria too, we accept apprentices that have between 0 to 5 years of experience.

7. Training relevant to your organisation

We focus on progression at work rather than ticking the skills to the standard which some other providers tend to do – we do this by offering 1-2-1 monthly/fortnightly meetings with expert BA mentors and skills coaches who help the learner apply what they learnt during the courses on work projects.

That is why focusing on upskilling current staff who understand the business, but need to develop the technical business analysis skills, would fit better for our programme. It will allow them to become quickly efficient in their work and for the organisation to see tangible benefits from working with us. We’ve worked with some employers who initially upskilled current staff on our apprenticeship and then started employing new entry-level staff and upskilling them on the programme.

We can also customise our BA apprenticeship curriculum to address your organisation’s specific needs.

8. Get started when YOU want to

And finally, the best thing about our BA apprenticeship? You can start the learner at any time – no need to wait months for a cohort to be available.

Want to know more? Click to download the BA Apprenticeship brochure (curriculum and how the funding works)
Next steps? Click to schedule a meeting (Let’s schedule an initial chat and see if this is for you)

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