Using ChatGPT to build better solutions: From Vision to Reality with Functionality, User Stories, and Tests

Free virtual session on 17 May 1:00pm - 2:00pm an event not to be missed.

About the session

This session is aimed at those who sometimes struggle with suggesting what would be functional requirements / user stories that would be good for our business users.

We will also cover:

  • How non-functional requirements may be generated.
  • How ChatGPT can translate both of these into potential user stories.

Do you struggle with devising test criteria that should be considered? We will show how AI can suggest potential test criteria.

Does your company require BDD (Behaviour driven development)? Well ChatGPT can assist with suggesting your Given.. When… Then.. format.

Finally we will demonstrate that these user stories can be shown as a use case diagram.

Whilst ChatGPT can not elicit all of the requirements for you, it can certainly make a number of suggestions that can prompt your conversations with your stakeholders.

Who is this course for?

Business analysts, Product owners and Professionals looking to leverage AI for Functional requirements,

user stories, test criteria and functional models.



The session includes 40 minutes of demonstration with tips & techniques to effectively use ChatGPT for:

  • System requirements
  • User stories
  • Test acceptance criteria
  • BDD acceptance criteria
  • Use case diagram

We will close the session with 15mins Q&A  so come prepared

with some challenging questions – we love to be challenged!

The recording will only be made available after the session.

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