7 tips for passing the BCS Business Analysis exam

Posted on June 5, 2020

If you’re looking to pass the BCS Business Analysis exam questions,  you’ve come to the right place! With the right preparations, you can easily ace your exams.

Rod Simpson, one of our highly-rated trainers has put together these tips to help you approach your BCS Business Analysis Exam questions with confidence.

What are multiple-choice exams?

A multiple-choice exam for the BCS business analysis certification means every question will have 4 possible answers and only one is correct.

The exams have 40 questions and you need to score 26 our of 40 to pass the exam and achieve your qualification.

The following business analysis certifications are assessed by multiple-choice exams:

We recommend the following tips that can help you pass the Business Analysis Certification:

1. Keep your eye on the time.
2. Don’t change your mind if you are unsure of the answer.
3. Skip questions you don’t know the answer for.
4. Read the questions first, then the answer, and then the scenario.
5. Rule out the wrong or incorrect answers (only for paper exams).
6. Use highlighter if necessary (only for paper exams).
7. Be careful when you transpose that you don’t miss questions (only for paper exams)


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